Hat Plot

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Hat Plot

Hat plots divide a numeric attribute into three sections, a central "crown" and, on each side of the crown, two "brims." The brims extend out to the minimum and maximum values. In the Hat Options menu, you can select among four options for how the crown of a hat plot is formed: based on percentiles (the default), the range, the average deviation, and the standard deviation. The example uses the percentile option.


To make a hat plot,


Put a numeric attribute on the horizontal axis. From the data cards, drag the name of a numeric attribute onto the horizontal axis of the plot (the lower part of the plot will highlight to indicate when you can drop).


Fully separate the attribute. In the plot, drag any case icon all the way to the right (until there are no bin lines). This will fully separate that attribute horizontally.


Add a hat plot display. In the upper plot toolbar, click the Hat button.

In the example, the case icons were hid (choose Hide Icons from the Icon Type menu in the lower plot toolbar) and an attribute (Position) was added to the vertical axis (drag the attribute name from the data cards to the left side of the plot). You can drag the edge of any hat crown left or right to set percentile-division points to different values.

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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller