Color Key

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Color Key

When you select an attribute, the icons in the plot are colored with that attribute's color scheme. You can add a color key to a plot. It shows you what attribute is currently selected and what values are associated with the colors. Below are two examples of color keys, one of a category attribute (Grade) and the other of a numeric attribute (BPWeight). For a category attribute, the key shows the color for each value (each grade in this example.) For a numeric attribute, the color key shows the color of the gradient and the range of values of the attribute in the plot (3 to 39 in this example).

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To add a color key to a plot,


In the upper plot toolbar, click the Key button.

Resize the key by dragging on a border. Move the key by clicking in a blank area within the key and dragging.

Lock Plot Color

You can lock a plot's color key to prevent the plot color from changing. This is useful when you have two or more plots of the same data. With multiple plots in a document, each time you select a new attribute, the plot color changes in all the plots. This is sometimes useful, but sometimes not.

To lock a plot's color,


In the upper plot toolbar, click the Key button.


Click the lock icon in the color key. The lock will close.


To unlock, click the lock again. It will open.

Note that if you lock a color key, you cannot remove the key from the plot until you unlock it. This is to help you remember that the plot color is locked.

Change Attribute Color Scheme

You can change an attribute's color scheme from the data cards or from the color key.

TinkerPlots Help

© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller