Working with Dates and Time

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Working with Dates and Time

TinkerPlots recognizes values such as "4/12/10" and "10:30 pm on June 3, 2012" as dates and times and treats them as numeric values on plot axes. When it recognizes a date or time, TinkerPlots adds the special unit "DateTime" to the units field of a Data Card or Case Table. You can also type DateTime into a units field and TinkerPlots will attempt to interpret what you enter as dates and times.

If in a DateTime attribute, you enter a value that is not recognized as a date, it will be colored pink. You should delete or edit the non-date value or the other values wouldn't be graphed correctly as numbers.


If you delete or edit the unit "DateTime," the values in that attribute will no longer be recognized as dates.

Date and Time Formatting

DateTime values can be formatted in a variety of ways. To change the way the dates and times appear:


Select the DateTime attribute in the Data Card or Case Table.


Choose Format Attributes from the Data menu.


In the dialog box, select from the various options in the Date and Time Formatting panel and click OK.


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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller