Highlight Cases

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Highlight Cases

You can select one or more cases in a plot to highlight them. Highlighted cases appear in the plot with a thicker, black border around them. When there is no attribute selected, cases are highlighted in yellow. This makes them stand out even more.

Select a single case by clicking its case icon.

Select multiple cases that are clustered together in the plot by clicking in an empty part of the plot and dragging a rectangle around the icons you want to select.

Select multiple cases that are not clustered together by holding down Shift and clicking each case.

To make selected cases stand out, remove the plot color by clicking in the data cards on the light blue bar to the left of the Attribute column heading.

To deselect cases, click somewhere else in the plot.


Sometimes you want to highlight certain groups of values in a plot. The brush tool, located on the lower plot tool bar, allows you to highlight a particular group of values in a plot and see them highlighted in all other objects (case table, data card, other plots).
Brush tool

When you highlight cases in a plot, those cases are highlighted in all other plots in the document. This is a powerful way to detect interesting patterns or trends in the data. For example, in the data set US Students.tp you could make two graphs, one of students' heights and the other of their weights. Then you could highlight all of the tall students in the height graph and see where those students are on the weight graph.

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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller