Connecting Lines

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Connecting Lines

It is sometimes helpful to connect cases and other features in the plot with lines. To connect the cases and other features with lines,


Click the Line button on the upper plot toolbar..

Line button2

The lines will connect in different ways automatically depending on the nature of the plot. But if you do not get what you want, you can choose from these options located in the Connecting Lines Options menu, found by clicking next to the Line button:


Connect All, Case Order: connects cases according to their case number/order.

Connect All, Attribute Order: connects cases according to the order of their values on the selected attribute.

Connect Equal Values: connects cases with equal values on the selected attribute.

Connect Stacks: For plots that are stacked, connects the tops of the stacks.

Connect Averages: For plots with multiple averages displayed, connects the averages.

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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller