Add New Cases

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Add New Cases

You can add new cases directly in a plot. If you have a plot with attributes on the axes, the new case will be given values for the attributes based on where you place the new case.

To add a new case to a plot,


In the lower plot toolbar, choose the Add Case tool, Add case tool.


Move the cursor into the plot. It will change into a crosshair.


Position the cursor where you want the new case to appear and click. A new case icon will appear. A new data card will also be created for that case and will move to the top of the stack.


If you add a new case into a binned, numeric axis, the case will be given the value of the lowest value of the bin. So a case added to a bin of heights that ranged from 60 to 63 would be given the value 60.

When you add cases to a numeric axis, they often don't get the exact value you'd like. After adding the case, you can edit the value in the data card or you can use the Drag Value tool reposition it and change its value.

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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller