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Text boxes are useful for documenting your work. You can put a text box next to a plot to serve as a caption or short description of what the plot says. There's no limit to how much you can write in a text box. See the demonstration document Backpack Report.tp for an example of how you can use text boxes and other TinkerPlots objects to make a project report.

To format text, go to the Text menu, where you can choose text font, size, and style, or choose Show Text Palette, which gives you all these options and more. In Windows, the text palette appears docked, on the bottom of the screen; on the Macintosh, it floats.


Use the rightmost button on the text palette to expand it to show special symbols and formatting tools. Clicking a button places the special character in the cursor insertion spot.

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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller