Overview of Sampler

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Overview of Sampler

Below is a quick overview of the sampler. We also suggest you watch the short TinkerPlots movie “Probability Simulation.”

To add a sampler to your document, drag the sampler icon from the object toolbar into the document.

To change the device type from a mixer (the default) to a spinner or another device, drag the new device onto the existing one.

To add an element to a device (mixer, spinner, bars or stacks), hover your cursor over the device, then click the + button below the device.

To remove an element from a device, click the (minus) button below the device. This removes the last element added. To remove several elements at once, drag a selection rectangle around them, then click the button.

Set the number of elements per outcome by changing the Draw number.

Set the number of outcomes collected per run by changing the Repeat number.

Set the sampling speed by adjusting the Run Speed slider.

Start collecting data by clicking the RUN button.

Stop collecting data by clicking the Stop button or pressing the Esc key.

Pause collecting data by clicking the Pause button.


The pull-down device's Options menu at the lower-left of the device includes several options, including sampling without replacement.

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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller