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The Edit menu controls the clipboard, undoing, editing, and preferences. The specific names of some menu items change to reflect the object selected. This is how the Edit menu appears on Windows:


Undo (Action)

Undoes the last thing you did. The menu name shows the last action (such as Undo Typing). TinkerPlots has unlimited undo.

Redo (Action)

Redoes the last action you undid.


Cuts what is selected and puts it on the clipboard. You can cut text from text boxes, and cases and attributes from data cards or case tables.


Places a copy of what you've selected into the clipboard.

Copy As Picture

Saves to the clipboard a picture of the selected object. This is one way to take a snapshot of a plot to put into another application.


Pastes what is on the clipboard into the location you have selected. If the clipboard contains text, Paste replaces selected text or inserts the text at the insertion point. If the clipboard contains cases, Paste adds those cases to the selected stack of data cards.

Delete Case or Delete Attribute or Delete Text

Deletes the case, attribute, or text you have selected.

Select All

Selects all cases in a stack of data cards or case table; selects all text in a text box.

Edit Formula

Brings up the formula editor for the selected attribute. (This is the same as double-clicking in the attribute's formula cell in a data card or case table.)

Cut Formula

Cuts the formula from the selected attribute in the data card or case table.

Copy Formula

Copies the formula of the selected attribute in the data card or case table and places the formula in the clipboard.

Paste Formula

Pastes the formula in the clipboard into the selected attribute. This is useful for avoiding retyping a complex formula—just copy it from one attribute and paste it into another.

Clear Formula

Removes the formula from the selected attribute. The values of the attribute will remain, but they will now be the same as if you'd entered them individually without a formula.

Text Font

Specifies font type for selected text.

Text Size

Specifies font size for selected text.

Text Style

Specifies font style (plain, bold, italic, underline) for selected text

Show Text Palette

Brings up a text palette for setting font, size, style and for inserting special symbols and characters. In Windows, the palette appears docked at the bottom of the screen; on the Macintosh, it floats.

Preferences (Win)

Allows you to change font size in TinkerPlots objects and to turn sound off. (On the Macintosh, this is in the TinkerPlots menu.)


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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller