Combine Collections

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Combine Collections

You can add one collection to another collection. These collections can be in the same document or in different documents. Combining collections can be useful when students from different classes have conducted the same survey and you want to put all the information into one collection.

To combine collections,


Make sure that the collections have the same attribute names and that the attributes are arranged in the same order in the data cards.


Select the stack of data cards or case table that you want to add to the other stack.


Choose Select All Cases from the Edit menu. Then, from the same menu, choose Copy Cases.


Click on the stack of data cards or case table that you want to add the cases to.


Choose Paste Cases from the Edit menu.



Check to make sure that the number of cases in the new, merged collection is the sum of the cases in the original two collections.

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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller