Add Background Image

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Add Background Images

You can add a picture as a background to a plot. Pasting map images into backgrounds of plots that use values of longitude and latitude on the axes allows you to display data on maps.

1. Copy an image to the clipboard.

2. In TinkerPlots, select the plot.

3. Choose Edit | Paste Background Image.

4. The image from the clipboard will be displayed as the background, scaled to the display rectangle in the plot.

Note: The image will not resize with the plot unless you lock the background as described below.

Lock a Background

To scale the background image with the plot, lock the background to the scales of fully separated axes.

1. From the plot's Options menu, select Lock Background Image to Axes.

Scaling the plot axes will now change the image size.

Delete a Background

To remove the background from a plot,

1. Select the plot.

2. Make sure that no cases are selected.

3. Choose Edit | Cut Background Image to remove the background and place it in the clipboard, or Edit | Delete Background Image to remove the background altogether.

Hide Background Image

To temporarily hide a background image,

1. Choose Hide Background Image from the plot's Options menu.

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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller