Working with a Document

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Working with a Document

A TinkerPlots document is a page that may contain many different objects that show different views of the same collection of data, several graphs, for example. Students can use TinkerPlots not only to analyze data and simulate probabilities, but also to write a brief report. A report might include several graphs and even pictures. (For a sample report, see the file Backpack in the Data and Demos | Demos folder.)

There are seven different types of objects you can include in a document: data cards, case tables, plots, samplers, sliders, text, and pictures. To learn more about these objects, see TinkerPlots Objects.

Parts of a Document

Create a New Document

Place an Object in a Document, Move It, and Resize It

Working with Multiple Objects in a Document

Duplicate an Object

Iconify an Object and Get It Back Again

View an Object in a Separate Window

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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller