List Functions

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List Functions


firstitem(list, delimiters) returns the first item in the list passed as its first argument, using the characters in its optional second argument as delimiters. The delimiter defaults to the list separator for the current region, usually a comma.

Examples: firstItem("a,b,c") returns "a" when comma is the regional list separator; firstItem("Jane Doe" , "") returns "Jane". firstItem("HTHHT" , "") returns "H" because all characters are items when there are no delimiters.


itemCount(list, delimiters) returns the number of items in the list passed as its first argument, using the characters in its optional second argument as delimiters. The delimiter defaults to the list separator for the current region, usually a comma.

Examples: itemCount("a,b,c") returns 3 when comma is the regional list separator; itemCount("JAN/1/2006" , "/") returns "3"; itemCount ("HTHHT" , "") returns 5 because all characters are items when there are no delimiters.


itemSum(list, delimiters) returns the sum of the items in the list passed as its first argument, using the characters in its optional second argument as delimiters. The delimiter defaults to the list separator for the current region, usually a comma.

Examples: itemSum("1,2,3") returns 6 when comma is the regional list separator; itemSum("1234" , "") returns 10 because all characters are items when there are no delimiters.


lastItem(list, delimiters) returns the last item in the list passed as its first argument, using the characters in its optional second argument as delimiters. The delimiter defaults to the list separator for the current region, usually a comma.

Examples: lastItem("a,b,c") returns "c" when comma is the regional list separator; lastItem("Jane Doe" , "") returns "Doe"; lastItem("HTHHT" , "") returns "T" because all characters are items when there are no delimiters.


matchCount(list, match, delimiters) returns the number of items matching its second argument in the list passed as its first argument, using the characters in its optional third argument as delimiters. The delimiter defaults to the list separator for the current region, usually a comma.

Examples: matchCount("2,6,3,4,3" , 3) returns 2 when comma is the regional list separator; matchCount("T;H;T;T;H" , "H", ";" returns 2; matchCount("HTHHT" , "H", "") returns 3 because all characters are items when there are no delimiters.


matchPattern(list, pattern, listDelimiters, patternDelimiters) returns true if the items of the list match the pattern, which can include wildcards "*"(any), "-"(any unused), Variables "V1" ..."Vn", and optionally start with "U:"(unordered), using the characters in its optional third and fourth arguments as delimiters. The delimiter defaults to the list separator for the current region, usually a comma.

Examples: matchPattern("1,4,2", "1,<*>,<*>") returns true when comma is the regional list separator; matchPattern("THTTH", "U:H,H,T,T,T", ",","") returns true.


nthItem(list, n, delimiters) returns the item at index n in the list passed as its first argument, using the characters in its optional third argument as delimiters. The delimiter defaults to the list separator for the current region, usually a comma.

Examples: nthItem("a,b,c", 1) returns "a" when comma is the regional list separator; nthItem("JAN/1/2006" , 3, "/") returns "2006".


sortItems(list, delimiters) sorts the items in the list passed as its first argument, using the characters in its optional second argument as delimiters. The delimiter defaults to the list separator for the current region, usually a comma.

Examples: sortItems("2,16,3,4,3") returns "2,3,3,4,16" when comma is the regional list separator; sortItems("{T;H;12;2;t;h}", "{;}") returns "{2;12;H;h;T;t}"; sortItems(HTHHT" , "") returns "HHHTT", because all characters are items when there are no delimiters.


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