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Software Designers: Clifford Konold, Craig D. Miller

Lead Software Engineer: Craig D. Miller


Development Team: Clifford Konold, Craig D. Miller, Laurel Shortell, Sibel Kazak, Khalimahtul Khalil, Amy Robinson, Rachel Wing,  Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki, Antony Partensky, Stephen Chu, Leonid Vainerovsky


Collaborating Software Engineers: Kirk Swenson, William Finzer, Matt Litwin, Scott Johnson


Design Consultant: Rich Lehrer, Josh Konold


Visual Interface Design: Suzanne Anderson, Stephen Chu, Dan Konold, Josh Konold, Craig D. Miller


Activity Consultants: Julie Downs, John Gambino, Anthony Harradine, Jim Hammerman, Min-joung Kim, Rich Lehrer, Dick Lesh, Deborah Lucas, Andee Rubin, Leona Schauble, Mike Shaughnessy, Jim Williamson, Arthur Bakker, Rick Billstein, Amy Brodesky, Susan Friel, Meg Meyer, Jim Williamson


Field Test Teachers: Deborah Lucas, Nancy Moriarty, Amy Doherty, Ann Frederickson, Rebecca Gibson, Jim Hammerman, Teri Hedges, Kathy Jansen, Jim Mamer, Doug McFarlane, Bill O'Connor, Jim Stoddard, Linda Tetley


Advisors: Heather Dever, Amy Doherty, William Finzer, Ira Papick, Steve Rasmussen, Uri Wilensky, Joan Garfield, Robert Gould, Koeno Gravemeijer, Rich Lehrer, Andee Rubin


Evaluators: Joan Garfield, Robert Gould


Content Editors: Jocelyn Van Vliet, Andres Marti, Josephine Noah, Tamar Chestnut, Heather Dever


Production Editors: Andrew Jones, Kristin Ferraioli, Heather Gomez, Zhihui Zhang, Brandy Vickers, Christine Osborne


Original Publisher: Steven Rasmussen


NSF Program Officer: John Bradley


Funded by the National Science Foundation under awards ESI-9818946, REC-0337675, and ESI-0454754.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


KCPT Framework, Dynamic Document Model, and Fathom Data Engine ©2015 by William Finzer.


Formula Editor © 1999 by Pacific Tech All rights reserved.


Macintosh Tooltips using SolarPanel © Gabriele de Simone, 1998–99


Pthreads-win32 - POSIX Threads Library for Win32

Copyright © 1998 John E. Bossom

Copyright © 1999,2006 Pthreads-win32 contributors

The pthreads-win32 library and its use are covered under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License a copy of which may be found in the reference materials that come with TinkerPlots.


TinkerPlots™ is a trademark of Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller.

All other trademarks are held by their respective holders.


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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller