Change a Slider's Scale

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Change a Slider's Scale

To change the scale of a slider axis,


Move the cursor over the axis. The cursor will turn into a hand icon.


Move the hand either to the center of the scale or to one of the ends. In the center, the fingers of the hand will point up. Towards the ends of the axis, the fingers will point to the right (right end of scale) or to the left (left end of scale).


Click and drag to adjust the axis. Pulling from the center (fingers up) will translate the axis, moving it left or right without changing the scale. Pulling in or out from one of the axis ends will rescale the axis, making the axis values either closer together or farther apart.



Double-click the axis to bring up the Inspect Slider window, shown here.


Enter new values for Lower or Upper to change the axis endpoints.


Click the close button to close the window.

Inspect Slider

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© 2012 Clifford Konold and Craig D. Miller